Digitalization and IoT security

Digitalization? Of course – but secure and reliable! Why IoT security is essential

The Internet of Things, or IoT for short: the nervous system of the global digital transformation, the next step towards a functioning Industry 4.0. Countless devices, machines, vehicles and assets communicate with each other – equipped with sensors and digitally networked via the Internet. They collect masses of data and exchange this often sensitive information. It is this networking that enables IoT systems to solve complex problems. The Internet of Things offers a great deal of potential for innovative applications and for optimizing a wide variety of processes. However, the potential for danger is just as great if the topic of IoT security is neglected.

Many devices are still poorly or not at all protected against external attacks. For example, anyone who manages to gain access to a single device on a poorly protected network often gains access to other devices in the same way. The consequences can range from annoying (reading sensor data, DoS attack) to life-threatening (manipulation of medical devices or machines).

Our deep understanding of IoT security

Our partner company ROBIOTIC is the specialist in this area and finds the right cloud platform for every IoT project. We deliver the ideal overall package: suitable services, optimal configuration, data backup services, analysis software and service management tools for managing the connected devices. In this HK.SYSTEMS expert Ovidiu Ursachi cares about IoT security with passion and a high level of expertise: “I’m a big fan of constant learning: of constantly trying to find new ways to think of new products and solutions, and to network them securely.” This motivation flows into every one of our IoT projects. After all, a functioning IoT system must be protected against attacks in the same way that has long been realized for computer networks..

Our understanding of IoT security is comprehensive – for every single project. At the beginning there is always the vulnerability analysis:

  • Who has which access rights for which IoT devices?
  • Which devices need which permissions?
  • How many IoT devices are involved in the network and how are they managed?
  • Is there a concept for a functioning IoT infrastructure, for the company network, etc.?

Another important factor is updates: regularly applying updates is one of the most important ways to protect an IoT network. They don’t just bring new features: In most cases, they contain important patches that close newly discovered security holes. Because one thing should be clear: The longer a security hole is present, the easier it is for potential attackers to exploit it for their own purposes. For this reason, outdated IoT devices and those that can no longer be updated should be replaced as quickly as possible, for example. Of course, in this context, strict control should be exercised over who applies the updates – just as care should be taken to install only updates from official manufacturer sources.

By the way, our cloud solutions are based on the proven standard web applications of globally established partners such as Salesforce, SAP, Siemens or Microsoft for convincing reasons: We thus avoid expensive license agreements for our customers – because we act vendor-independently and can thus put together the necessary components as cost-effectively as possible. Because that is precisely our claim and our goal for every IoT project: reliable cloud hosting, suitable security features, high-performance and fail-safe data transmission, high availability, the right storage sizes, reliable backups, export interfaces and latency times – all DSGVO-compatible. Our modern cloud solutions thus ensure seamless integration into our customers’ system landscape. The best prerequisite for intelligent data analysis and rapid integration, adapted to the respective business case.

People and IoT security: It’s a match!

Our cloud systems provide additional sales, marketing and service capacities on an as-needed basis. Our customers can access the complete cloud power One crucial factor for building effective IoT security should not be underestimated under any circumstances: Raising awareness among all employees involved in the IoT project. If everyone is aware of the potential dangers – for example, in the home office with remote access via the cloud – one of the most important steps towards high security has already been implemented. Every individual should have understood what is at stake:

  • Deploying cloud-related security solutions
  • Adherence to sensible rules
  • Recognizing and actively avoiding potential threats

Especially with regard to working with a cloud, the following applies: Security for the cloud can only come from the cloud itself. Involving all devices and all people connected in the respective IoT network.

IoT security with HK.SYSTEMS: Focus, technological edge, flexibility

IoT security is an existentially important topic. In every project, for hardware and software alike. Together with our customers, we therefore define the data security requirements right at the start of the project. We ensure that hardware and software function absolutely securely during the course of the IoT project – sensors, devices and more. Only in this way can the result be a significant technological “Vorsprung durch IoT” that can be relied upon. And we flexibly adjust when necessary, adding further layers of security. This is our approach to sustainable project security: to design the entire IoT project ecosystem in such a way that everyone involved can work securely and all data is optimally protected.