Andreas Krüger _ Expert software development

Software development for IoT projects: Tailor-made complete packages

IoT solutions can be disruptive drivers of innovation: technologies that help turn great product ideas into reality. That set new standards and move the current status quo further forward. The right software development plays a key role in this. The experts at HK.SYSTEMS have the right competence, the right experience and the right mindset for this. During the implementation phase of the various projects, they take care of all the different software life cycles: from proof of concept to rollout to the active operating phase. The right software quality avoids iterations, reduces development and maintenance costs and increases customer satisfaction.

Comprehensive in-house know-how

Our software engineers work with the most modern tools. Depending on the project, they also draw on special know-how, for example for customized Android applications such as Android terminals. The approach is comprehensive: the programming of the software virtually forms a symbiosis with the development of the electronics hardware – for every IoT project. The complete package is created in-house: software and hardware with matching firmware and middleware up to the layout of the circuit diagram, the construction of the prototypes and the procurement of components for series production.

We accompany the progress until the desired device is running in the field – and absolutely stable. Our strength lies in the individual solution that we adapt to each individual IoT project. Software and hardware can be designed very simply – but in combination with edge computing they can also be highly complex and intelligent.

Our software solutions are based on customisable standard software (Microsoft, Salesforce, etc.) and can be customised. Native APPs and browser-based Web APPs, which are individually tailored to the project and developed by us, ensure a high level of user-friendliness and optimal functionality.

Front-end development: Individual & configurable

With an individually customized dashboard frontend, we guarantee the user access to a whole range of optimally visualized information: Command Buttons, Action Builder and Tickets, Channel Editor and Live Dashboard. In this way, we provide drill-down capable, detailed and dynamic reports – via a clearly arranged cockpit. For example, when a user selects a specific view type in a chart, all associated graphics are automatically and dynamically changed to that type immediately. The logic behind this is programmed as standard. But of course, customized connections can also be defined and set up. However, there is one thing our customers can rely on with all views: they are designed to be responsive and scale independently of the device – and completely without interference.

Software development for IoT projects: A very special challenge

Im Zeitalter des Internet of Things haben sich auch für Softwareentwickler die Voraussetzungen geändert: Sie stehen vor neuen technologischen In the age of the Internet of Things, the prerequisites have also changed for software developers: They face new technological challenges. Mastering these challenges determines the quality of the chosen software architecture - and thus also the success of the respective IoT project. Our specialists pay attention to some important points right from the start:

Security: It is planned into the software architecture from the very beginning. This ensures that there are no security gaps in a complex IoT environment in which many components communicate with each other.

Simulate and test: IoT projects have a high level of system complexity - in addition to the front end on a client and the back end on a server, there is also the edge software on the IoT gateway and the software on the actual "thing", i.e. a device, for example a sensor. Device simulators can be used to simplify automated testing in the cloud. 

Integration of over-the-air update functionality: Something we consider from the beginning. With the usually high number of devices within an IoT project, software updates can hardly be carried out manually. The solution: All devices are kept up to date via OTA over-the-air updates.

Andreas Krüger von unserem Partnerunternehmen ROBIOTIC ist unser Experte für Softwareentwicklung. Wenn Du Fragen hast, beantwortet er diese gern: