Pager F.R.E.D. Our digital alarm system: reliable, fast and on duty for you around the clock. Thanks to mobile radio technology, Pager F.R.E.D. offers one of the best accessibility on the market. Alerting 24/7 Reliable alerting: 98 % in 11 seconds Status message Availability and pausable qualifications Alarm feedback “coming immediately”, “in 10 minutes”, “unable […]
SpillGuard® connect: The revolutionary hazardous substance leakage warning system Remote monitoring Central monitoring of all devices with web app. Alerts via SMS and e-mail Radio signal Integrated radio module sendsdigital signal to server Push button Ein-/AusschaltenSignal-Quittierung Signal LED Three modes: Start-up,operation, alarm Temperature range Application range 0° C to 40° CTemperature class T4 (max 135° […]
thingsforce iot hardware platform
Ready to go: IoT gateway system for your IoT project The smart, fast, affordable route to series production IoT Gateway Universal IoT gateway system for sensors + bus systems Hardware platform Modular design: preconfigured, ready for immediate use and customizable Integrated radio module Radio module equipped with SIM card or chip transmits digital signal via […]
IoT scale system iSCALE The fully automated IoT scale iSCALE: an ideal eKanban solution. The digital industrial scale was developed jointly with Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG and Kellner & Kunz AG. Fully automated Logistical warehouse management with sensor-controlled weighing system for common Kanban containers VDA standard and Euro pallets Heavy Duty Designed […]
Smart Call
SmartCall Next level service for the hospitality industry: the intelligent SmartCall beverage management system. A joint project of our partner companies ROBIOTIC, H+K and HELICOM in cooperation with RASTAL GmbH & Co. KG Drinks coaster Intelligent drink coaster with integrated weighing sensors Smart glasses equipped with NFC chips Service button Service button for actively calling […]
IoT solutions
Products + solutions IoT use cases in a digital, networked world Measure + Understand Tracking, evaluating and visualizing collected data: made possible by the combination of intelligent sensor technology and cloud services. Monitoring + maintenance Reliable maintenance and alarm systems that monitor, analyze and report to the second when problems occur. Around the clock. Ordering […]